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NJ Top Orthopedic Surgeon

Prothesis in greek means ‘in addition’.Thus a prosthesis is defined as a replacement or substitution of a  missing or a diseased part.Prosthetics is the theory and practice of the prescription,fitting,design ,assessment and production of prosthesis.




       –Endoprostheses:-The are implants used in orthopaedic surgery to replace joints,eg.Austin-moore prosthesis.

       –Exoprostheses:-These are for replacement externally for a lost part of the limb.They are moree extensively used in the lower limbs.

  • TYPES:
  1. Temporary prosthesis (e.g Pylon).These are used following an amputation till the patient is fitted with permanent prosthesis after 2 weeks after removal of the suture.
  2. Permanent prosthesis.This is fitted after making a final clinical assessment.The following are some of the important ones:
  • Prosthesis for the lower limb:-

      Prosthesis for the lower limbs are required in the following situations:

  1. For disarticulation of hip and hemipelvectomy.
  2. Following transfemoral amputations: Two types of prostheses are recommended.

           a). Suction-socketed limb:-This is useful in young adults and is best suited for cylindrical stumps.It snuggly fits and has a two-way valve mechanism to maintain negative pressure.

           b). Non-suction-socketed limb:-Here no negative pressure is employed to hold the prosthesis,but pelvic bands or harness are made use of  for holding.



          The advantage of suction-socketed limb are that skin infection is less common,there is freedom from harness of any kinf,greater feel of close contact of the prothesis and the patient feels that it belongs to him or her.Stump socks are not necessary in this variety.On the contrary the advantage of non-suction-socketed limb are,it is easy to wear,there is no perspiration,it provides a comfortable fit,and there is no difficulty in changing the stump circumference.

  • Component of prosthesis:-
  1. Socket.This provides a receptive are for the stump and helps in weight-bearing.
  2. Suspension:-This fastens the prosthesis to the stump.
  3. Joints:-These are artificial mechanical joints which replace the original joints.
  4. Base:-this is in touch with the floor.

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