Home / Health Ailments / Wellbeing at work – Wellbeing Space

Wellbeing at work – Wellbeing Space

Check out these wellbeing images:

Wellbeing at work – Wellbeing Space
Image by joeflintham
The Wellbeing / Collaborative Research Space, Bournemouth House, Bournemouth University

Wellbeing announcement
Image by The Prime Minister’s Office
Prime Minister David Cameron takes questions from the audience after announcing that the nation’s wellbeing will be measured from next April; Crown copyright

Wellbeing announcement
Image by The Prime Minister’s Office
Prime Minister David Cameron (pictured with Cabinet Secretary Sir Gus O’Donnell) announced that the nation’s wellbeing will be measured from next April; Crown copyright

Shells – Wellbeing Space
Image by joeflintham
The Wellbeing / Collaborative Research Space, Bournemouth House, Bournemouth University

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