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What Can Cause Hemorrhoids To Flare Up?



When you know what can cause hemorrhoids, you will know how to cure the symptoms. Unfortunately there is no treatment to get rid of your hemorrhoids for good until you figure out what causes them to grow; then you will find a curing treatment for good. Actually there are many ways to get rid of them, ways such as medical treatments or natural home remedies. However if you only take medical treatment, the haemorrhoids will grow back once your anus is affected by your blood pressure or your body balance is affected by an inflammation. The key to getting rid of hemorrhoids is to find its root cause.

1. Blood pressure

Do you have a blood pressure problem? If so, then you can see why you easily suffer from hemorrhoids. Coupled with the haemorrhoids symptom, you also fight against constipation. You feel it extremely hard every time when you sit on the toilet, you sit there for ages, but there is still no sign of a stool movement. You rushed into the chemist many times and you were prescribed some medicines to kill the symptom, they wouldn’t work on you.

In that case, you have to visit your doctor to find a way to reduce your blood pressure because blood pressure causes haemorrhoids to grow on your anus, both inside and outside. Actually, you can eat the following foods to reduce your blood pressure at home.

Add fresh garlic in your daily vegetable dishes: You can buy some fresh garlic, ground it up and add it into your daily vegetable dishes. Over a period of time, you will see your blood pressure is reduced.

A mix of onion juice with honey: You can make a mix of onion juice and add honey in it to make the taste more favourable. This can be considered as one of the home remedies to lower your blood pressure.

Carrot juice: Another home remedy is carrot juice. Use your juice maker to make a cup of carrot juice when you get up every morning. Only drink raw carrot juice, not cooked carrots because according to medical research, the cooked carrots only cause the growth of haemorrhoids.

2. Alcoholism

People suffering alcoholism are also affected by haemorrhoids because over drinking can cause your body to become dehydrated and lead to constipation. You feel your stool is very dry and hard to get rid of which results in the veins around the anus becoming swollen. If you are a heavy alcohol drinker, you must have experienced it before, and whenever it happens, you feel extremely annoyed. Actually, you can cure the symptom yourself if you give up the drinking habit, the haemorrhoids won’t flare up from the dehydration caused by the amount of alcohol in your bloodstream.

3. Poor diet and obesity

Many people suffer obesity because of their poor diet.  They eat too much saturated fat rich foods. The fat grows and sustains inside and outside of their anus. It is too hard for their digestion system to convert the foods into nutrients to be absorbed by their body. Foods cause constipation and stay in the alimentary canal for too long which can also cause haemorrhoids. Therefore, a well-balanced diet is essential to getting rid of haemorrhoids.

The 3 symptoms listed are very common in our daily life which then leads to haemorrhoids. If you want to get rid of haemorrhoids, you have to change your eating and living habits and shift to a healthy living habit.

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