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17 Foods To Avoid During Pregnancy

We all know that eating a well-balanced diet is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle, but it’s exceptionally important during pregnancy. As an expecting mother, it’s important to consume foods with essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to both you and your developing baby. Some foods you are safe to eat now may be unsafe to eat when you’re pregnant. Here is a list of 17 foods that should be avoided during pregnancy. Lets begin the countdown starting with #17:

#17. Runny or under-cooked eggs


Photo Source: huffingtonpost.com

Runny, under-cooked, or raw eggs should be avoided during pregnancy. Whether it’s sunny-side up or scrambled eggs, homemade eggnog, ice cream, custard, or chocolate mousse these all contain raw eggs which can be taxing on your immune system. Additionally, raw cookie dough and cake batter should also be avoided.

#16. Fishes with high levels of mercury


Photo Source: www.enkivillage.com

Mercury is linked to developmental delays and brain damage. All fish contain a certain level of heavy metals such as mercury. Thus, sea fish such as tuna should be eaten in moderation. Other sea fish such as hark, king mackerel, tilefish and swordfish also contain high levels of mercury which should also be avoided.

#15. Alcohol


Photo Source: viewthevibe.com

No amount of alcohol is known to be safe during your nine months of pregnancy so it’s safe and clear to say that alcohol should definitely be avoided. Exposing your body to alcohol can cause unhealthy development with the baby like Fetal Alcohol Syndrome or other developmental disorders.

#14. Street foods


Photo Source: thisamericangirl.com

Whatever your cravings are, whether spicy, salty or sour, just make sure your cravings are met with high quality standards. Eating street foods during your pregnancy might give you an upset stomach as well as food poisoning and other health problems. If there’s a certain street food that you really like, check out recipes online and just make them at home.

#13. Soft cheeses


Photo Source: americanpregnancy.org

Imported soft cheeses like brie, feta, Gorgonzola, Roquefort, etc. contain listeria. Unless they clearly state that these are made from pasteurized milk, then they’re safe to eat. Soft non-imported cheeses are usually made with pasteurized milk.

#12. Raw shellfish


Photo Source: americanpregnancy.org

Did you know that most of the seafood-borne sicknesses are caused by undercooked shellfish? These include clams, mussels and oysters. Cooking them can avoid infection but it won’t prevent the algae-related infection from the red tides.

#11. Unpasteurized juice and dairy products


Photo Source: drinks.seriouseats.com

Juice like cider that are being sold at farm stands have not undergone any pasteurization. Pasteurization is a method that kills toxins and bacteria. Most of the juices and milk in stores are sold pasteurized so it’s always advisable to read the labels.

#10. Unwashed fruits and vegetables


Photo Source: nutritioinexpert.com

Skins of vegetables and fruits can contain toxoplasma gondiii parasite and listeria which can damage the fetus. Besides that, you can also ingest harmful pesticides.

#9. Nuts that can cause allergies


Photo Source: tradebrothers.ni

Peanuts, chestnuts, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, pistachios, cashews and walnuts can cause allergies or skin rashes on your bodies. It would be best to consult with your doctor on what kind of nuts should be incorporated in your pregnancy diet. After all, nuts are healthy additions to your daily or evening snacks.

#8. Caffeine


Photo Source: reelsmillbank.com

There have been a study that caffeine consumed in moderation is not harmful for the fetus. The guideline recommended that caffeine intake should be no more than 300 milligrams daily, just the amount found in two or three 8-oz. cups of coffee.

#7. Raw or undercooked meat or poultry


Photo Source: insidershealth.com

Eating rare, uncooked or undercooked meat or poultry can cause coliform bacteria, salmonella and toxoplasmosis.

#6. Nitrate-rich foods


Photo Source: wgbbnews.com

Bacons, diet-sodas, artificial sweeteners, sausages, etc. are known to have high levels of nitrate. These aren’t really harmful to your health, but the low nutritional value of these foods is has no benefit to your health. Eating the mentioned foods can lead to a lot of abnormalities and poor growth.

#5. Refrigerated meat


Photo Source: wiredair.com.au

Ham, hot dogs, prosciutto, bologna, roast beef, etc. aren’t allowed for pregnant women unless they are heated until steaming. Refrigerated meat are known to be tainted with listeria which can cause miscarriage. Not only that, but can also cross the placenta and infect the baby leading to infection and blood poisoning which can be life-threatening.

#4. Herbal supplements


Photo Source: 123rf.com

Though herbal supplements are natural, it’s riskier to consume them during pregnancy. Some herbs can cause more harm than good for you and your unborn baby. Talk to your doctor before consuming any herbal supplements to ensure they are safe to take during pregnancy.

#3. Restaurant-made salads


Photo Source: chevydetroit.com

Instead of a restaurant-made salad, just make your own at home. Not all fruits, vegetables, eggs and meats used there are high quality. Intake of those can cause listeria bacteria. Meats and eggs needs to be cooked properly so it’s always best to enjoy your salad at home where you know it’s harmless and sterile.

#2. Canned Foods


Photo Source: blog.ext.vd.edu

Canned foods are stored for long periods of time which is harmful. The lining in the cans enclose Bisphenol A that can affect fetal endocrine activity and the food inside the can may be too old that could harbor harmful bacteria because of their long shelf life.

#1. Foods rich in sugar


Photo source: weddings.partysmartys.co.uk

It’s normal to experience sweet cravings during pregnancy but be mindful of what you eat. Check on your ice cream and chocolate consumption. Too much sugar is bad for you and the baby’s health.

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