Home / Health / Here’s Solid Proof That Posing Can Be Just as Deceptive as Photoshop

Here’s Solid Proof That Posing Can Be Just as Deceptive as Photoshop

No one goes out of their way to post unflattering photos of themselves on social media — and hey, no shade. But the tendency to post only your most perfect pictures creates a sense of false reality where everyone you follow seems flawless. The result: Your unfiltered reflection never seems to measure up.

It’s why Australia-based lifestyle blogger and Bikini Body Guide (BBG) girl Madalin Giorgetta is setting the record straight: She recently posted a video that proves the way you tilt your hips can drastically transform the way you look, no Photoshop needed:

 In the beginning of her video, she arches her back and pops her booty, which accentuates the gap between her legs and makes her waist look teeny, creating a more exaggerated hourglass shape. Slowly, she tilts her pelvis forward, which widens the appearance of her waist and closes the gap between her thighs.

In the caption, Madelin admits that she uses filters and Facetune, the editing app that smooths imperfections, and yep, she tends to pose where there’s good lighting and post her most flattering angles. But haters who accuse her of Photoshopping her shape are way off the mark. “I would never ever use Photoshop to change the shape of my body,” she wrote. “There [are] enough misleading images about the female body as it is and I never want to add to that.”

In an earlier post caption, Madelin wrote about the fake transformation posts that everyone and their mom has been posting on Instagram — ones that showcase the same person standing with a flat-looking stomach, then sitting with belly rolls. “I love seeing these photos on my feed as it reminds me that we all [sic] have our best angles that we choose to share. The girls you see on Instagram don’t walk around with one leg bent and one hip popped and flexed abs the whole time!”

It’s a welcome reminder that perfection’s a facade, so give yourself a break the next time you glance in the mirror, and remember: You’re “Instagram-worthy” no matter how you stand.


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