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Wedding Weight Loss: 10 Tips Every Bride Should Know

Supersize Me !! — The bypass burger strikes again! … Heart Attack Grill — 23 April 2012 (Las Vegas) ..
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Image by marsmet491
Owner of the Heart Attack Grill Jon Basso said the woman was eating fast food, drinking alcohol and smoking before falling onto the floor unconscious.
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…..item 1)… Mail Online … Daily Mail … www.dailymail.co.uk/news … The bypass burger strikes again!

Another diner wheeled out of Heart Attack Grill unconscious on a stretcher after feasting on fast food

…Woman in her 40s taken to hospital after she collapsed while eating at Las Vegas burger joint
…Male diner had heart attack at the restaurant in February
…Double Bypass Burger contains two slabs of meat, rashers of bacon, cheese, red onion, sliced tomato and ‘unique special sauce’

PUBLISHED: 16:56 EST, 23 April 2012 | UPDATED: 16:56 EST, 23 April 2012


A female diner was rolled out of Las Vegas themed restaurant The Heart Attack Grill on a stretcher after she collapsed.

The woman had been eating a double bypass burger, smoking cigarettes and drinking a margarita shortly before she was fell to the floor unconscious and had to be wheeled out by paramedics.

It was the second medical emergency at the restaurant which glorifies unhealthy eating and offers free meals to people over 350 pounds. Its menu includes items such as flatliner fries and butterfat shakes

img code photo … Heart Attack Grill in Las Vegas


Meals on wheels: A woman was stretchered out of the Heart Attack Grill in Las Vegas after complaining of chest pains


A man was taken to hospital in mid-February after he suffered a heart attack while eating a Triple Bypass Burger.

The unidentified woman, believed to be in her forties, had been enjoying a meal at the restaurant on Saturday night.


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Owner of the Heart Attack Grill Jon Basso said the woman was eating fast food, drinking alcohol and smoking before falling onto the floor unconscious.
He added that he believed the woman would make a full recovery after the dramatic episode and was being look after in hospital.

img code photo … The bypass burger


Supersized: Meals of bypass burgers and flatliner fries at the Heart Attack Grill can exceed 8,000 calories – the average person needs around 2,000 a day



The restaurant chain – founded in 2005 using the catchphrase ‘Taste Worth Dying For!’ – is run by a former nutritionist ‘Doctor’ Jon Basso who, remarkably, used to run a Jenny Craig weight loss diet centre.

Meals can exceed 8,000 calories. The recommended daily intake is 2,000 calories for women and 2,500 for men.

The Triple Bypass Burger contains three slabs of meat, 12 rashes of bacon, cheese, red onion, sliced tomato and the Heart Attack Grill’s own ‘unique special sauce’.

And that’s before taking into account the accompanying ‘Flatliner Fries’, cooked in pure lard, and a giant soft drink.

img code photo … Waitresses dressed as nurses


Warm welcome: Waitresses dressed as nurses deliver calorie-packed meals of quadruple cheeseburgers and jumbo cans of beer to diners’ tables



img code photo … Heart Attack Grill…Over 350 LBS Eats Free


Calorie-fest: The Heart Attack Grill was opened in 2005 and is a popular choice with tourists to Vegas



Accentuating the medical theme, waitresses dressed as nurses deliver the artery-clogging food.

A sign at the entrance to an Arizona branch of the restaurant chain reads: ‘Go away. If you come in this place, it’s going to kill you.’

But the chain has provoked widespread anger with promotions including offering free food to morbidly obese customers.

img code photo … What the doctor ordered?


What the doctor ordered? Jon Basso said the woman who fell ill at his restaurant was eating, drinking alcohol and smoking before falling onto the floor unconscious



Video … Woman suffers medical episode at Heart Attack Grill ……2:11 minutes

Wedding Weight Loss: 10 Tips Every Bride Should Know

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