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How To Follow A Healthy Diet During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a very exciting time. If you are like a-lot of busy moms to be, then you are probably trying to find the right family photographer in New Jersey so that you can capture memories of this amazing time. However, pregnancy can also be a very difficult time. Making sure that you get all of the right nutrients for yourself and your growing baby is one of the many challenges that comes along with pregnancy. Following a healthy diet is not as difficult as you may think. Below are some tips that will help you follow a healthy diet during pregnancy:

6046308733_0251ef308d-300x204Eat Plenty Of Different Foods

If you eat a variety of foods, then it will be a-lot easier for you to get all of the nutrients that you and your growing baby needs. Nutritionists recommend that you eat six to 11 servings of grains and bread, at least four servings of vegetables, two to five servings of fruit, three servings of lean protein and four servings of dairy. The consumption of sweets and high fat foods should be kept to a minimum. You also want to make sure that you eat foods rich in fiber because that will prevent constipation.

Get Adequate Amounts Of Vitamins And Minerals

Taking a prenatal vitamin will allow you to get adequate amounts of essential nutrients. However, following a well-balanced diet is just as important as taking a prenatal vitamin. You will need to get 1,000 to 1,300 mg of calcium per day, which is approximately four servings of dairy. Vitamin C, folic acid, iron and potassium are some of the other nutrients that are essential for a healthy pregnancy.

Limit Caffeine And Avoid Alcohol

You can safely consume up to 300 mg of caffeine per day, which is about two cups of coffee. Alcohol is something that you will want to avoid completely. Alcohol can increase the risk of prematurely delivery, birth defects and mental retardation.

Avoid Dieting

Pregnancy is no time to diet. If you feel the need to diet, then you should wait until after you deliver your baby. Even though you should avoid dieting during pregnancy, you should still limit your fat intake to less than 30 percent of your total calories. For example, if you are following a 2,000 calorie diet, then less than 65 of the calories you should come from fat.

There Are Foods You Need To Avoid

You will need to avoid fish that are very high in mercury. Tilefish, swordfish and mackerel are examples of such fish. You will also need to avoid eating raw fish. Furthermore, you will need to avoid unpasteurized dairy products.

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