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What foods to eat to grow taller?

Not being as tall as you wish can be frustrating either for children or young adults. Many of them might think they have passed the age range of growing taller. However if you have not reached the age of 45 years old, you still have a chance of growing taller if you take this issue seriously and eat some recommended foods which could enable growth and aid your bone structure being extended. As you know, most of the time your height is determined by your genetics. However you can still try to eat some right foods to aid you growing taller, even 2 inches potentially.



Calcium is one of the most important elements in growing strong bones and it gives your skeleton its rigidity. You could consume any kind of food rich in calcium daily, your bones will gain sufficient calcium to support your bone growth. The possible foods you could eat are foods such as eggs, cooked pork soup bones, fish and soy nuts. When you consume these foods, you should also give your bones a chance to stretch, and it means you should also take some bone stretching exercises at home. The exercise will aid your bones in extending. But keep in mind, you have passed the teenage years, therefore you won’t see a significant sign of growth, but with 2 additional inches, you would be pleased.



Another element playing an important role in supporting your bone growth is protein. Your strong bones require firm and solid muscles and add energy to support the bones. Protein is an essential element for our muscle, skin and bone production. By eating the following foods you can obtain sufficient nutrients and sustain your healthy muscles: lean meats and seafood in your daily diet.



Your bone growth also requires sufficient minerals; the most important one is iron. Iron is contained in your blood. In order to gain iron, you can eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. Spinach is rich in iron. Some red meats are also rich in iron, meats such as liver, pork, lamb and beef. Once your body gains a sufficient amount of iron from you daily food consumption, you will feel strong and energized and not fatigued. When your bones are growing, they consume the nutrients flowing in your bloodstream to support the bones rigidity



Our human body energy is mainly produced by the consumption of carbohydrate products such as potatoes, rice, bread, spaghetti and pasta. By eating them, you will gain energy and enhance your strength. Therefore, you need to consume a sufficient amount of carbohydrate foods to support your bone growth.



I have mentioned seafood above. Fish meats are a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids. It is one of the essential elements for our brain growth. A few of the more popular or traditional types of fish consumed are tuna, salmon, catfish, bass and so on. Some other kinds of seafood consumed are prawns, scallops and crab.

Apart from the food consumption, I also need to address that a sufficient and regular sleep routine is very important because when you sleep, your body’s digestion system rests also and therefore it can work better when you consume other foods. In the meantime, body growth also happens during your sleep.

If you are still not confident about “how to grow taller fast”, you should consult both your nutritionist and physician. You will be given a comprehensive and holistic program to follow, especially with some physical exercise included. In order not to hurt yourself, you should always follow the instructions given by your physician. For your daily diet, you are also required to follow the ingredients given by your nutritionist, because you won’t expect to put on some extra weight.

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