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6 tips for lemon water making

Lemon water can not only be antibacterial, improve immunity, and reduce freckles, whitening skin and other effects. Most white-collar workers made a cup of lemon water to keep good health. However, do you know how to make the best lemon water to achieve the best effect of health and beauty? Lemon is rich in citric acid, malic acid, vitamin C, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and other, also contain lemon essential oil, hesperidin, naringin, and health care ingredients, which has a very good whitening skin care effect. Lemon pulp is very acid, although not directly fresh water, but it is beneficial for slice nutrient release. So, how to soak lemon water?


1, it is better to choose the fresh lemon

Fresh lemon is much more flavor, but the lemon dry aroma components and vitamin C have a certain loss. It is recommended to slices the fresh lemon to pitches.

Because of the flavonoids is higher part in the lemon skin, such as hesperidin, naringin, etc., which are healthy ingredients, and the lemon essential oil also mainly in skin. Flavonoids have light bitter and sour lemon itself with a hot day drink more thirst. The remaining lemon can be coated with some honey in the incision, wrapped with plastic wrap, can be stored in the refrigerator for three days.

2, water temperature is more suitable for 60~70degC.

If the water is too cool, the fragrance is not easy to get out. As with immersion in boiling water, bitter substances will have more dissolution, such as hesperidin etc.. Some people worry that the water temperature is too high will lead to the loss of vitamin C. In fact, a strong acid lemon, and vitamin C in acid conditions, heat resistance is better, not so easy to lose.

Therefore, the water temperature of the bubble lemon is generally more appropriate in 60~70.

3, lemon water must be light

If you use lemon water instead of white boiling water to quench their thirst, then the water must be light. A large skin lemon soak 1 liters of water, pour 3~4 cup of brew, generally 2~3 times, did not start a new piece to taste of lemon.

This bubble out of the lemon water is not sour, more fragrance, no sugar or honey to drink, the energy contained in almost negligible. If the lemon piece is put more, you need to add sugar or honey, is conducive to the balance of sour.


4, with lemon skin will be better nutrition water

Lemon skin is the necessary part, and the section must be thin, because part of the skin contain flavonoids, higher, than the lemon fruit more worthy of bubble, lemon essential oil mainly in skin, thin slice, lemon peel aroma components easy to bubble out.

Lemon peel, including other orange peel, contain some of the bitterness of flavonoids, are also beneficial ingredients, a touch of bitterness, and Sour mix. When the weather is hot, drink more to quench their thirst.

5, add a little honey or sugar into the lemon water will taste better

However, light sweet lemonade contains about 5% sugar, a cup of sugar honey water (200 grams) containing energy of 40 thousand cards. If you drink two cups, the equivalent of eating 1/4 Steamed Rice bowl, so it should be limited when the people who need to control the weight. In addition, hyperacidity people only need to try to soak a little light lemon water you can drink, because a small amount of citric acid is beneficial to the repair of gastric mucosa.

For indigestion people, in pale lemon water with a thin piece of ginger, it is great to promote the secretion of digestive juice and benefits. Do not add sugar pale lemon water without sodium, almost does not contain energy, and contains potassium, a small amount of vitamin C and a small amount of flavonoids, very suitable for hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease and gout in patients with chronic daily drinking.

6, sealing preservation can be postponed

The lemon can be easy stored in normal condition. The main problem is lemon surface dry, but after dry can still be used, within a month still juicy inside. Cut lemon incision spread some honey to water retention, and then wrapped with plastic wrap, in the crisper put two or three days is no problem.

Lemon can also be used to immerse themselves in water, but because leather aromas have been lost, vitamin C is also a loss, the fragrance of lemon water will be not a small discount, but still can used to make lemon tea, can provide some of citric acid and potassium.


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