Home / Healthy Eating / Rose-Infused Turkish Rice Pudding

Rose-Infused Turkish Rice Pudding

The first time I invited friends over for an ambitious and authentic Turkish dinner is kind of a haze; I set my roommate’s terribly tacky potholders on fire ( (…more) —Oset Babur

Serves 4

  • 1 3/4cups water
  • 7tablespoons uncooked short-grain rice
  • 1quart milk
  • 3/4cup sugar
  • 1/4cup rice flour
  • 2tablespoons rosewater
  • Cinnamon, to taste
  1. Start by bringing water to a boil in a smaller saucepan, stir in the rice, and simmer covered until the liquid is absorbed, as you would when making rice regularly, about 15 minutes.
  2. Then, use a heavier pan to dissolve sugar in milk—keep the heat low, and stir often. Add the cooked rice to the milk mixture in the heavier pan and raise the heat to a boil. In another bowl, dissolve the rice flour in 1/4 cup of water, stir in some of the hot milk, and pour this mixture into the simmering milk in a steady stream, constantly stirring. Lower the heat and gently cook the pudding for about 30 minutes, again, stirring constantly. If yours is still looking a little soupy after half an hour, give it as much time as it needs, but resist the urge to turn the heat up. The mixture will slowly thicken to the consistency of a porridge or thick bisque.
  3. After removing the heavy pan from heat, add in the rosewater and stir thoroughly. Your pudding shouldn’t be terribly pink, but the rosewater will leave a slight tinge and a beautiful fragrance. Fill your ramekins and dust with cinnamon (or, let guests decide how much cinnamon they want). Refrigerate for at least 2 hours before serving. The mixture will thicken and will become the ideal thick consistency only after being refrigerated.

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