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Teach you Roasted Poblano and Corn Pizzas


Already the cicadas are humming, the state fair is at its peak, and corn and poblano peppers have appeared at the farmers’ market–meaning, it’s late August. The summer has flown by, and kids are already back to school (each year it comes sooner and sooner, it seems!). Change is in the air, and we’re feeling it with our announcement that we’ll be adopting a little one sometime in the future, which is incomprehensible and exciting all at once. Thank you so much for your kind thoughts and notes–they mean so much to us!

Late August and September give me a craving for corn, which is natural here in Indiana. But it’s interesting to think of a time, just a few years back, when I couldn’t have told you the time I should be craving any food. Growing up, we ate peaches and corn in the summer–but we also ate them in the winter if we wanted, along with strawberries and tomatoes and all sorts of seasonal foods. When I started getting into seasonal cooking, I realized there was a reason we ate foods at certain times; not for tradition sake, but because that’s when they were at their peak. And I must admit, as much as people knock food blogs, a lot of what I know about seasonality has come not only from the farmer’s market but from food blogs. I learned that when all my favorite blogs started posting squash recipes, it was time for fall. And when they were talking up asparagus and ramps and strawberries, it was spring. And corn and poblanos? Well, that means it’s almost September.

This recipe is similar to our poblano and corn calzones, and in pizza form, so it’s even easier. This version uses naan for an even simpler take, but you can use normal pizza dough (instructions below), which is even tastier. It’s a perfect late summer meal to enjoy those fleeting last moments of al fresco eating.

Corn and poblanos were from Broad Ripple Farmer’s Market.

Roasted Poblano and Corn Pizzas
Serves: 4
What You Need
  • 4 small poblano peppers
  • 3 ears corn
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • ½ teaspoon cumin
  • ½ teaspoon oregano
  • ½ teaspoon garlic powder
  • ½ teaspoon chili powder
  • ½ teaspoon kosher salt
  • 4 pieces naan bread or 2 pizza dough
  • ¼ red onion
  • 2 cups mozzarella cheese
What To Do
  1. If making homemade dough, follow the instructions in So Cal Pizza for dough preparation and pizza baking instructions. The recipe for naan pizza follows below.
  2. Preheat the oven to 450F.
  3. Cut the poblano peppers into strips. Cut the corn off the cob. In a bowl, mix the peppers and corn with 1 tablespoon olive oil and ½ teaspoon each of cumin, oregano, garlic powder, chili powder, and kosher salt. Roast the vegetables for 25 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove when tender.
  4. While the vegetables roast, dice the red onion.
  5. When ready to bake, place naan on the oven grate and pre-bake 3 minutes per side until crisp.
  6. Remove the naan and spread each with mozzarella cheese, then top with poblano and corn mixture and red onion. Sprinkle lightly with kosher salt. Bake for 5 minutes on the oven grate, on a pizza stone or on a baking sheet, until the cheese is melted. Slice and enjoy.

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