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Healthy Easy Sushi Recipes

healthy easy sushi recipes

Healthy Easy Sushi Recipes

I’ve heard a lot of different opinions about the role of sushi in a healthy diet. Some think that everything on the menu is up for grabs, while others question exactly what’s so healthy about it all.

My own perspective? Sushi can be healthy, but you still have to make some smart choices. There are definitely some things to avoid, particularly fried options like tempura and anything that comes with a heavy mayonnaise sauce. And there are some things to look for, like veggies and brown rice. So before we get to some healthy sushi recipes you can make at home, let’s look at some rules for keeping sushi healthy…

How to Keep Sushi Healthy

  • Opt for brown rice whenever possible. It’s an easy way to avoid the blood glucose spike that comes with white rice, and it has a lot more in the nutrition department.
  • Ask for low-sodium soy sauce instead of the regular variety. Sodium leads to water retention, and that’s only going to make you look bloated.
  • Avoid tempura (or at least keep it to a minimum). It’s just as bad as any fried food!
  • Try to choose options that have a lot of veggies. I always try to order at least one veggie roll. You can also start with a salad.
  • Avoid eating too many rolls that come with heavy mayo dressings, or ask for the dressings on the side.

5 Healthy and Easy Sushi Recipes

Now believe it or not, sushi is a lot easier to make yourself than you may think. The nori (seaweed) can be bought in its prepared form at any major grocery store, and the trick to getting the rice right is to use a rice cooker, which leaves the rice with a slightly sticker texture.

Here are 5 simple, healthy sushi recipes you can make at home.

As for quantities of ingredients, it all depends on the number of servings you want to prepare.

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