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The Secret To Getting Better Care From Your Doctor


Mrs. Johnson at Everytown Elementary wasn’t the only one playing favorites. Most physicians have preferred patients, reveals a new study from Johns Hopkins University. And being one can mean faster callbacks and appointments, says Sharon Bergquist, M.D., a primary care physician at Emory University. Here’s how to get on your doc’s good side—no apples involved.


If you have a list of issues, going on tangents (like sharing all your wedding deets) isn’t an efficient use of time—and could irk your doc. Come prepared with your main Qs and ask them up top.


A simple “thank you” to all staff members (from the front desk and beyond) and your doctor may take notice. You’re showing respect for the team, which can score you major appreciation points in return, says Bergquist.

 “We have to prioritize people to ensure the sickest are taken care of first,” says Bergquist. Being realistic about how quickly your doctor’s office can, say, return your test results may put you on the honorary honor roll.

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