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5G Smart Farming Lands in Brazil

In the past, farmers would only sleep a little over five hours a day during the wheat harvest, before starting the harvest process in the scorching heat. Today, though, hectares of wheat can be harvested by a few button presses that activates an autonomous harvester. Advanced technologies in the modern farm has completely transformed farming into something that just a few years ago, we’d associate with a science fiction movie.

The city of Rio Verde is the largest grain producer in the state of Goias, accounting for 1.2% of national grain production. Spread over an area of 378,853 hectares, the agricultural production of the municipality is about 1.2 million tons per year, with major crops including rice, cotton, and soy.

Agriculture 4.0

Scientific planting methodologies, automated agricultural equipment, and advanced production systems underpin the development of the agriculture industry. Rio Verde is primed for economic growth, innovation, and deploying technology to take agriculture to the next level – smart tech has the potential to lead the region into the Agriculture 4.0 era.

In Goias state, the government has taken a leading role in the digital transformation of agriculture. FAPEG (State of Goias Research Foundation) is providing agricultural know-how and agricultural applications; Huawei is providing 5G, cloud, and AI solutions; and local telco Claro Brasil is deploying the 5G networks. Cross-industry collaboration will also bring in technologies such as drones and autonomous rovers.

Key Applications of Smart and Precision Agriculture

The potential benefits of smart agriculture solutions are many:

Precision farming can use data derived from images and sensors to track crops, soil, and the air in real time so farmers can observe and respond to changes at specific locations, also in real time. Variable rate input  technologies will add accuracy to planting and fertilizer and pesticide use, so that farmers only use what’s needed where it’s needed, saving both costs and labor.

Smart irrigation systems can minimize water waste and ensure its delivery to the right places at the right times.

Soil monitoring systems can track the overall quality and chemical composition of the land, so farmers can improve fertility for specific crops and deal with local issues like toxicity, salination, and acidification as they occur.

Yield monitoring can provide real-time geo-referenced data about crops as they’re harvested, including quantity, quality, and moisture content.

Drones can monitor farms from the air, with data from cameras and sensors feeding into the other farming systems.

Autonomous vehicles imbued with decision-making ability can handle certain tasks in food production systems. Route recognition can use sensors to collect environmental data and monitor routes in real time, and intelligent control through cloud AI and 5G’s large bandwidth can achieve 360-degree HD video.

Smart greenhouses can manage growing conditions, with automated climate control and irrigation systems optimizing growing conditions and minimizing human intervention.

Precision livestock farming can manage and improve livestock health using IoT in scenarios like connected cows.

Farm management systems can combine field data with insights from wider sources such as farm machinery telematics, weather observatories, and global trading markets. Data analysis, risk assessment, and financial analysis tools can help farmers minimize waste and maximize output on an end-to-end basis.

The detection
of diseases
based on high-resolution images and video can
underpin systems for responding rapidly to events that threaten livestock and

5G, cloud,
and AI
can improve efficiency and shortens the
inspection time of farmland from one week to one hour. The accurate analysis of
problem areas can reduce the use of herbicides by 90%.

Smart management
will allow monitoring and management systems
for high-performance agriculture, taking into account the individual
characteristics of plants and micro regions through real-time data analytics.
Forestry stock management, for example, includes high-resolution solutions,
making it possible to build a computer vision solution with adequate algorithms
for providing current status of outdoor forest stock.

In line with these types of benefits, Brazil’s
agriculture industry is prioritizing new technologies and applications –
especially data-driven intelligence powered by IoT solutions. Recently, the
Brazilian government released its National IoT Plan, which includes Agriculture
4.0. Agriculture 4.0 is based on four pillars: data-based management,
production using new tools, sustainability, and professionalization. Technologies
such as mobile Internet, IoT, computer vision, and smart decision-making will
evolve agriculture towards a lean and intelligent online management model. The
convergence of 5G, cloud, and AI applied in specific agritech solutions can
boost efficiency, resource utilization, land yields, and productivity.

Today, we are taking the first steps on the
road to the future of agriculture. We believe collaboration and openness can
accelerate smart agriculture in Brazil.

Huawei is the only company that can provides end-to-end capabilities spanning 5G, cloud, and AI, and with it the E2E potential to transform the industry. The development of smart farming is heavily dependent on wireless connectivity, cloud computing, and machine learning to achieve real-time, precise production and smart management. This requires cross-industry collaboration, which in turn brings a sustainable ecosystem that cultivates best practices.

With its higher peak data rate, lower latency, and massive connection capabilities, 5G not only drives up the speed and precision of data transmission and processing, it also improves the control accuracy and stability of drones and robots. When 5G combines with AI and cloud computing, new production scenarios such as live video monitoring, remote diagnostics, and on-site diagnostics can stimulate intelligent agriculture.

Click the link to read more about Huawei’s
5G solutions & services

In Brazil, for Brazil

Huawei has
been active in Brazil for 22 years in a wide range of industries, including
agriculture, mining, manufacturing, and media.

walked side by side with Brazil on the 3G, 4G and 4.5G journeys, with a wide
range of partners, and currently serve 95% of the Brazilian population with our
products and solutions. We built the first optical fiber network in the Amazon region,
connecting 20 cities and serving 4 million people. In 2019, we paid 1.44 billion
Brazilian real (US$281.3 million) in local taxes, procured goods worth 627 million
real from the domestic market, and invested 139 million real R&D locally. I
believe that the industries that will benefit most from ICT are those that
leverage intelligent technologies to reshape traditional industries.

Brazil, for Brazil” is more than just a slogan; it describes what we’re doing
now and how we plan to continue.

Watch: Why
Smart Matters for Agriculture

Article Source: HuaWei

Disclaimer: Any views and/or opinions expressed in this post by individual authors or contributors are their personal views and/or opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views and/or opinions of Huawei Technologies.

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