Home / Healthy Eating / Vegetarian Thanksgiving: Really Big Beets

Vegetarian Thanksgiving: Really Big Beets

Really Big Beets for Thanksgiving.Credit Andrew Scrivani for The New York Times

Are you looking for a showstopping main course for the vegan guests at your Thanksgiving table? Try a really big beet.

That is the advice of reader Diana Jarvis, a Manhattan resident whose Thanksgiving is more of a party than the typical holiday dinner. She describes it as “one long, boozy cocktail party in my East Village apartment.

“I usually have 15 to 30 people, friends, and friends of friends, and foreigners who are curious about the whole thing,” she said. While Ms. Jarvis cooks up turkey on Thanksgiving for her meat-eating friends, she notes that “lately people have been bringing vegans as guests.”

She wanted to serve an exciting main course for her vegan guests, “that one big thing” to put at the center of the plate. Shopping at the Union Square Farmers’ Market, she found a basket of “ginormous” beets.

Inspired, she took them home and seasoned the beets with quality olive oil, sea salt and fresh pepper, wrapped them in foil and roasted them — for a very long time. One hour works — two hours is better, she said. “To tell the truth, I’ve never over-roasted a beet,” she said.

Ms. Jarvis named her recipe “Really Big Beets.” She promises that you will wow your crowd — both vegans and meat-eaters alike — when you serve up a really big beet.

“A ginormous beet on a plate looks like a big spherical steak,” she says. “The vegans loved it, and everyone else wanted one. It was the only thing I didn’t have enough of.”

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