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Veg Intimidation: How to Cook Artichokes

Imma bout to show you the way to my heart.


Artichokes heart

Artichokes are one of the first foods that the Pilot and I would make to go along with our dinners. When we first started dating, money was tight so instead of going out to eat, we’d share an ahi tuna steak and cook two artichoke hearts as our fancy dinner at home. The Pilot is kind of the artichoke king and over time, he’s shared the method to cook them perfectly. They can seem like an intimidating veg – they’re covered in battle spears for goodness sake – but they’re a simply-prepared and nutrient-dense side.

Here’s the step-by-step how-to!

How to Prepare Artichokes

Artichokes need a bit of a trim before you cook them. You’ll pull off the leaves, trim the top and the stem.


cut off the artichoke top

After trimming, place the artichokes in a bowl of cold water with a squeeze of lemon juice to prevent browning.

Artichokes in a bowl with lemon

Now it’s time to cook them!

How to Cook Artichokes

All the steps you need to learn how to make artichokes! Artichokes can seem like an intimidating food, but they're a simply-prepared and nutrient-dense side. | fitnesista.com | #artichokerecipe #grilledartichokes #howtocookartichokes

You’ll boil the artichokes for 20-30 minutes or until tender. Check to see if they’re done by piercing the stem of one with a fork to see if it’s tender. 


boiled, halved artichokes

Once they’re done, you’ll have the choice to either eat them like that or grill them for next level deliciousness. Either way, they’ll be amazing with your dip of choice (see options in the recipe below).

grilled artichokes



Amazing Artichokes

How to make amazing grilled artichokes



  • 2 artichokes
  • 2 lemons
  • 1 bay leaf
  • sea salt
  • olive oil
  • garlic (optional)
  • dipping sauces (ideas to follow)


  1. Cut off the top part of the ‘choke, and also about 1/2 inch to an inch off the stem. Pull off any outer leaves that look bruised or funky.
  2. Place the artichokes in a bowl of cold water with a squeeze of lemon juice to prevent browning.
  3. Bring a large pot of water to a boil.
  4. Add one halved lemon, one bay leaf and 1/2 teaspoon salt.
  5. Put the artichokes in the pot, cover, and leave at a rolling boil for 20-30 minutes, depending on the size. Make sure that all parts of the artichoke are boiled, so that may mean a good stir from time to time.
  6. To check if the artichoke is done, remove from the boiling water and gently pierce the stem with a fork. If it easily goes through, you’re GTG. Any resistance, and the artichoke goes back in the pot for 5 minutes before checking again.
  7. After the artichoke is fully cooked, you can stop here and get your dipping sauce ready. If you have the grill heated, you can take it to the extreme by removing the artichokes, gently patting them dry, and cutting in half before coating with a light brushing of olive oil or butter.
  8. Grill on high heat for about 5 minutes (until nicely charred) and sprinkle with sea salt.


  • Serve with the dipping sauce of your choice!
  • -Melted butter with chives
  • -Goddess dressing
  • -Mayo with a squeeze of lemon
  • -Sriracha yogurt lemon sauce (1 container plain yogurt, 1-2 tsp sriracha, and a squeeze of lemon juice)

grilled artichokes 

grilled artichokes

Hope you enjoy! <3

Artichoke fans: yay or nay? Fave dipping sauce?

Any vegetables you despise or have been wanting to try? I’ve never loved raw celery, but for some reason I suddenly don’t mind it in green juices.

Hope you have a great day!


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