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Cashew Brownie Batter Bites

If you’ve been reading the blog for a while, you may remember that I went to raw culinary school.

Me with coconut

I ate raw while I was there, and learned so much about nutrition, plating and knife skills. I also learned what it’s like to lack knife skills. I sliced my hand hacking a coconut, and there was that one time I sent a piece of frozen cheesecake flying through the air as the plate shattered. I pictured myself becoming invisible but alas, I stood there red-faced for a second before cleaning up and then hiding.

At 105degrees, I finally became confident in creating my own recipes, I drank a ton of green juice and also ate dessert every day.

Raw Desserts

Raw desserts are pretty insane.

Raw dessert cashew brownie bites

It’s hard to believe that something so creamy and decadent was made without white sugar, flour or butter. (Even though I wouldn’t kick a little butter in the face… My egg burritos would be sad and lonely without it)

It takes a little while to get used to, but once you’ve tried some recipes and experimented, pretty much anything can be raw-ified. Another bonus is that there’s no such thing as messing up a recipe. If it doesn’t work out as planned, it can just become something else.

Raw Cashew Brownie Batter Bites

And some things are even better than the originals… like these brownie batter bites. 

Raw cashew brownie batter bites

This is a favorite raw recipe, and one I like to make for vegan naysayers. A little softer than a usual truffle, and similar to raw brownie batter. They’re absolutely sensational with dark cacao or carob and a kick from cayenne.

The base is soaked cashews,

Soaking Cashews

which yield a surprisingly smooth and creamy texture.

Soaked Cashews

Bonus: they freeze well, so if you don’t eat them all right away (I’ve never experienced this, but) you can freeze the rest to enjoy later.

Rolling the raw cashew brownie batter truffles

Hope you love them! ?


Cashew Brownie Batter Bites

A decadent chocolate treat, reminiscent of brownie batter. Here’s the kicker: There’s no butter, flour, refined sugar or raw eggs.

  • Prep Time: 15
  • Total Time: 15



  • 2 1/2 cups raw cashews, soaked in water for at least one hour or overnight, rinsed
  • 1/3 cup honey (maple syrup works well, too)
  • 1/3 cup carob powder (you can use cocoa powder instead, but remember that it’s stronger so start with 1/4 cup)
  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil
  • 1/3 cup water (or more as needed to thin the mixture out to blend)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • pinch of sea salt
  • Optional: 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon + 1/8 teaspoon – 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper for a little kick!


  1. In a high-speed blender, blend the cashews, honey, water, vanilla, sea salt and spices until very smooth.
  2. Next, add the cocoa or carob powder and blend until well-combined
  3. Add in the coconut oil and blend LAST – this is what’s going to give these a gorgeous texture
  4. Pour into a bowl (and save yourself some, of course), and place in the fridge or freezer to slightly firm
  5. Now, the messy part! Roll into balls and then into extra carob or cocoa powder. Garnish with a little cayenne if you’d like. You can either store these in the fridge for a softer texture, or in the freezer to make truffles.


  • Don’t have a high-speed blender? No worries. The food processor or a regular blender will work well, just make sure to soak the cashews longer.

Raw Dessert Brownie Batter Truffles

Have you tried raw desserts? What’s your favorite? I absolutely adore this raw chocolate tart and my beloved macaroons. ? A fun first raw dessert experiment is banana soft serve. It’s extremely simple to make and has a beautiful ice cream texture.

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