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Mango-mojito sorbet

A bit of mint in this mango sorbet gives a flavor nod to my favorite mojitos. This mango mojito sorbet is the perfect refreshing treat for hot summer nights! 

It was funny to read a post about this on one of my favorite blogs, as it’s something that’s been on my mind lately. For a couple of months now, the Pilot and I have been going on regular date nights. We have an awesome babysitter -she interned at Disney and LOVES kids- and she comes regularly to stay with sleeping Liv while we go out.

At first, it felt like it was extravagant to be going out so often, but then I realized how much we’ve been needing it. It’s important for Liv to grow up seeing a mom and dad that are in love with each other, and take time for each other, so that she knows what to look for in a caring relationship when she’s older. So many of the books I’ve read about parenting emphasize the fact that kids feel more confident and safe when their parents prioritize each other in addition to their children. It was something that was important to me, but fell by the wayside with raising a newborn paired with the Pilot’s work schedule.

The Pilot and Me

It’s been really nice to date my husband again ?

Usually for our date nights we’ll grab dinner and/or drinks, but this past Friday night, we had just enjoyed drinks and dinner with my family.

Monkey burger

(Monkey Burger has THE BEST sweet potato waffle fries.)

Liv’s sitter was still coming over, we were stuffed to the brim and on the edge of a food coma, but decided we should still get out of the house and enjoy some time together. Our date night? We went to Target, bought a frisbee, then went to the park to play nighttime frisbee together.

For someone who isn’t’ very athletic, I take frisbee very seriously ?

Frisbee at the park It’s fun to reminisce about past date nights and how much they’ve changed over the years…

Many nights out with 3am stops to Viva Burrito (for the record, a potato, egg and cheese burrito tastes even more amazing after a night of dancing), house parties, hot tubs and mojitos…. lots of mojitos.

I’m not sure if he’s made them since I started the blog, but the Pilot is the mojito king. He stirs everything in a big cauldron of minty justice, and you can’t taste the rum at all. It’s dangerous.

I couldn’t help but think of his legendary mojitos while I made this sorbet the other day, but then again, anything mint reminds me of his legendary mojitos.

Mint and other herbs in planters

Mango Mojito Sorbet Recipe

No alcohol in this, but let’s just say that you could totally replace the water with a little clear rum or vanilla vodka…. Just sayin.’

Mango mint sorbet

A lovely summery and naturally low-cal treat.


Mango Mojito Sorbet



  • 16 oz frozen mango chunks
  • juice 1/2 lime
  • 1/2 pack of Stevia or your favorite sweetener, to taste
  • 46 fresh mint leaves + more for garnish
  • generous pinch of sea salt
  • 1/31/2 C water, for desired consistency (replace with white rum or vanilla vodka for a party)


  1. Blend everything in a high-speed blender until it reaches a smooth and creamy texture.
  2. Scoop into serving dishes (or a single bowl…) and garnish with mint leaves.
  3. Enjoy your summer (or summer cocktail!) in a bowl ?


  • Serving Size: 3

spoonful of mango mint sorbet

Sorbet in a blender

mango mint sorbet

What’s your ideal date night? Any current fave healthy treats to share? Feel free to link away!

The mint in this mango sorbet gives a nod to my favorite drink--mojitos! This mango mojito sorbet recipe is easy to make and a refreshing treat for summer! fitnessista.com

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