Home / Recipes / Berry Chia Pancakes

Berry Chia Pancakes

Today I’ve got a delicious and healthy way to change up your pancake game–berry chia pancakes! Fresh or frozen berries work, so you can enjoy them any time of year whenever you need a taste of summer.  First, here’s what we’ve been up to lately.

What We’ve Been Up To

The other day was Megan‘s final dress fitting. I’m going have to remind myself not to dinosaur cry when I’m watching the actual ceremony- she is the most gorgeous bride.

Also, how sweet are our bridesmaid dresses?


Ok, so they’re quincenara dresses. ? We always have a little bit of fun when we go to the bridal shop.

We got to see Kath one more time before they left,

Walking with Kath

I checked out a space for an event that I’m planning with a friend:


and Liv and I have been hanging out at home, staying in from the wind (a weird storm front came though), playing and enjoying some home-cooked treats and meals together.

Baby amazeballs

[Baby amazeballs just for her–skipped the protein powder and added in some coconut oil]

With the arrival of spring, I always change up my eats. I’m ready for smoothies, more juices, crisp, cold salads and all of the glorious summer fruits and veggies.

I especially look forward to fresh berries… particularly cherries.

The frozen ones are good enough to hold me over until they’re in season, but the fresh ones? A giant bowl doesn’t have a chance between the Pilot and myself.

Favorite cherry recipes:

the famous chocolate cherry bomb smoothie

overnight oats with cherries and almond butter

for some reason chicken with cherries and goat cheese just flashed through my brain even though I’ve never had it (doesn’t that sound awesome?!)

and now, these pancakes.

Berry Chia Pancakes

Berry chia pancakes

Liv is a pancake and waffle fanatic–she LOVES them! I’ve been thinking of ways to change them up–she’s had banana-zucchini, sweet potato, banana and blueberry varieties–and thought it would be fun to add in some chia seeds for extra nutrition; especially since about half of her scrambled egg ends up on the floor these days.

I made these pancakes, then put the remainder of what we didn’t eat into the freezer to quickly heat and enjoy later this week.

We both loved them, especially with a nice drizzle of pure maple syrup.

Berry chia pancakes

These pancakes have a light, fluffy texture with a subtle amount of sweetness. They’re also gluten-free and dairy-free!

Here’s the recipe for these delicious berry chia pancakes!


Berry Chia Pancakes

berry chia pancakes
  • Yield: 8 1x



  • 1 cup brown rice flour (worked so well for this recipe, but you can use your favorite flour)
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • pinch sea salt
  • 1/2 banana
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp chia seeds
  • 1/2 cup fresh or thawed frozen berries
  • 2/3 cup milk of choice (I used almond)
  • 1 tsp vanilla


  1. Heat a sauté pan on low while you make the mix.
  2. In a large bowl, whisk together the dry ingredients (flour, baking powder and salt) to combine.
  3. On a small plate, mash the banana with the chia seeds.
  4. Plop the banana mixture into the dry mixture, add the egg, milk and vanilla. Whisk well.
  5. Add a little coconut oil or butter to your pan, then using an ice cream scoop or 1/4 cup bowl, scoop your first pancake into the pan.
  6. Cook for 1-2 minutes on the first side, add your berries and flip.
  7. Cook the second side until browned to perfection. And, if you’re like us, cook as you eat ?


Mix 1 of 1 2


Mix 1 of 1 3

whisk some more,

Mix 1 of 1 5

and cook!

Pancake 1 of 1

Pancake 1 of 1 2

Hope you love them, too ?

Pancake 1 of 1 3

Pancakes or eggs? I’m more of an egg girl myself, just for the fact that pancakes take a little longer to prepare. This is why it’s a great idea to freeze a large batch to enjoy for the week.

Hope you have a happy humpday. <3 Don’t forget to get in your circuit and Tabata video! I’m off to teach Zumba and Barre.


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