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PRO meals: Spicy chopped salad

As you guys know, I’ve always been a fan of planning and prepping meals in advance. Sunday, I’ll make and chop as many foods as possible for the upcoming week, and then when we’re hungry, it’s so much easier to grab something, add a few finishing touches and feast. I try to have at least 2 “real” meals a day, but the rest tend to be hodge podges of whatever we have in the fridge and pantry. So-called real meals tend to be directly correlated with how much prepping I’ve done in advance. The weeks that I haven’t grocery shopped or taken a little time for food prep end up being the weeks with the most handfuls of chocolate-covered acai berries poured into my mouth.

I thought I’d share some of my quick and easy meals that I put together with the foods I’ve already prepped! They’re not quite “recipes” per se, but rather a speedy combo of ingredients to create an awesome meal. If you’d like to see more of these, please let me know!

Here’s the salad I enjoyed today, using mostly pre-prepped ingredients. I knew I wanted it to be filling, refreshing and spicy.. I think we accomplished that.

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Lately, I’ve been making my salads fairly equal ratios of the different ingredients; salad greens are part of the chorus instead of the main attraction.

I quickly chopped some romaine into thin slivers:

Romaine  1 of 1

Added in prevoisly-chopped bell pepper, diced up some jalapeño and pineapple:


Chopped  1 of 1

+ some of the chicken I baked yesterday. Diced and add to the mix:

Chicken  1 of 1

(veg friends, try chickpeas or tempeh instead)

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The dressing was a version of this (a favorite), using sesame seed butter (I’m on a kick right now, and Liv loves it too) + some tamari.

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The final beast!

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The total prep time from start to finish: 6 minutes (including snapping pics)

Oh yeahhhh. An awesome, healthy PRO meal with less time in the kitchen, more time and energy to play ?

Hope you’re enjoying your day! Check out Meg’s new post on the Fashion page.

See ya in the am <3

What’s your current favorite quick salad combo?

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