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Green Glowing Juice

Hi friends! Hope you’re having a great day. Today I have a refreshing green juice recipe for you! I’m loving all of the Winter Shape Up check-ins!! Be sure to check in on the Workout 1 post every day this week with your workout and how you feel. I’ll pick the first round of giveaway winners this Sunday night.

This morning was spent doing taxes with Sasha – we want to have everything GTG before we move – and a nice walk with Livi and Bell around the neighborhood. (Caro was still sleeping as per usual.)

The girls:

Family walk selfie

After our walk, we came back home for snacks and juices.

Green Glowing Juice Recipe

Green glowing juice

A new favorite addition: mint!

Despite Tucson’s extremely mild winter, I’ve still managed to kill almost all of the plants in our yard. This is sad, but once we found out we were moving, I officially quit my already half-hearted efforts to keep plants alive. I want to bring our hibiscus with us, along with the succulents from my nana’s house, but other than that, the pots will just be cleaned out to start again in the spring.

The only plants that have survived are the ones nana has watered when she stops by:  

succulents and mint

(Thank you, nana!)

We went to visit nana and Tata this weekend, and nana’s succulent plants are OVERFLOWING. They would make any fashion blogger shriek with delight haha. The funny thing is that you pretty much have to work to kill a cactus, but believe me, I’m pretty good at it ?

Anyway, our mint is still on its last leg, and I’m thankful because it’s been a delicious smoothie and juice addition. I’ve always put sprigs in my water bottle, and just recently started to experiment with other uses. It adds a refreshing pop!  to any beverage and a nutrient boost. Mint is high in Vitamin A, which supports the immune system and promotes healthy skin.

This juice also includes kiwi, which is one of my favorite ways to get extra Vitamin C, especially during the cold and “ick” season.

I always feel weird posting juice recipes, because there are 14374892798 different ones out there. (And let’s be real, most of them are a hodge podge of what we have in the fridge.) But, this is one of my current favorite combos. It’s extremely light, hydrating, and I feel so energized after drinking it. I can’t help but wonder if washing it down with my PM coffee hinders any effects, though ?


-1 english cucumber

-1 large green apple

-1/4 cup fresh mint

-2 kiwi

Green juice recipe green ingredients

For this one, I leave the kiwi skins ON <— something I would never usually consume – the little pricklies freak me out.  This way I can’t taste or feel them, and the skin gives an extra boost of nutrients. 

A light, hydrating, refreshing green juice to brighten your day. Leaving the skins on the kiwis gives you an extra boost of nutrients! fitnessista.com | #greenjuice #kiwijuice


Kiwi skin: yay or nay?

What’s your current favorite smoothie or juice combo? 

See ya in the morning!

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