Home / Recipes / Grain-Free Upside Down Apple Bread

Grain-Free Upside Down Apple Bread

This grain-free apple bread is made upside down style, which makes it perfect for dessert. It also makes a great breakfast served with a cup of coffee! 

Just the usual shenanigans over here.

Golf n stuff with Liv

(PS. A fedora is a great for any bad hair day) 

Playing, reading, hanging out, some great workouts…

and this apple bread.

grain-free upside down apple bread

Grain-Free Apple Bread

I’ve had a lot of fun experimenting with grain-free breads lately, and have fallen in love with using almond meal. It’s an easy way to add healthy fat and fiber to a dish, and yields a dense, nutty texture. I’m a huge fan.

I had this vision of an upside down apple bread and decided to make it happen. I sliced up some apples, placed them on the bottom of a baking dish, topped with batter and said a prayer to the grain-free bread gods. 

pouring grain-free apple bread batter

The verdict? Amazing.  

It’s fantastic on its own with a cup of coffee or as a dessert addition to lunch.

apple bread and miso salad

This salad with miso dressing is another story in itself. I’m obsessed.

Miso salad

Hope you enjoy it as much as we have! <3


Grain-free upside down apple bread

A sweet and nutty bread, with a filling dose of healthy fats and fiber

  • Prep Time: 5
  • Cook Time: 30
  • Total Time: 35



For the bottom layer

  • 2 small Fuji or Gala apples, peeled and thinly sliced
  • Juice of 1/2 lemon
  • 1/2 teaspoon coconut sugar (or brown sugar)
  • 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon

For the batter

  • 1 1/2 cup almond meal
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil
  • 1/4 cup honey
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1 tablespoon ground flax
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • pinch of sea salt


  1. 1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Grease a small baking dish (mine was 8×8) with nonstick spray or olive oil.
  2. 2. In a bowl, combine the apple sliced with lemon juice, sugar and cinnamon.
  3. 3. Spread a thin layer of the apple mixture on the bottom of the baking dish.
  4. 4. In the same bowl, add your almond meal, flax, sea salt, cinnamon and baking powder. Use a fork to quickly combine the ingredients before stirring in the eggs, coconut oil, honey and vanilla.
  5. 5. Pour the batter over the apple layer. Use the back of the spoon to create an even layer.
  6. 6. Bake for 30 minutes, until cooked through and bubbly.


  • This would also be lovely with berries, dried fruit or chocolate chips ?


  • Serving Size: 6

Grain-free apple bread, upside down style! This grain-free bread is perfect with a cup of coffee for breakfast or even works well for a grain-free dessert! fitnessista.com


Don’t forget to check in for today’s workout and enter this week’s giveaway!

See ya later today with a Fashion post with my latest HM finds ?

Do you like to make bread or buy it? I never thought I’d make breads at home -or… bread-type creations- but I’ve been surprised with how inexpensive and easy it is. I always buy brown rice tortillas, though. They’re my favorite for egg burritos ?

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