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Thin Mint Protein Fudge

As memorable and fun as everything has been, it feels good to get back in the swing of things this week. I’m back home in jammies with Liv (she’s napping away right now), we all slept in a little bit, and I’m planning for the week. When I asked for Kyle’s wedding off from work a few months ago, I figured I’d be ready for a little break and took Wednesday and Thursday off too. Vacation, baby! I’m excited to spend some extra time with noodle, get the house put together again and study for my NASM test. I think I’m going to go ahead and register to take it, so I can start working on my Weight Loss Specialist exam.


As comforting as it it’s been to get back into a routine, I always like to throw a little bit of change in there. For this week, I wanted to try something different from the usual amazeballs. I thought it would be fun to create a new flavor, and enjoy them in bar form, like a dessert-y fudge.

Welp, I finally found a use for that dang coconut flour.

Thin mint protein fudge

It’s been sitting in the pantry, taunting me, begging to be thrown in the trash can for ruining anything it touches, it finally found its place in the world with these awesome protein fudge squares.

With a kick of peppermint and chocolate frosting, here’s another delicious and portable snack option:

Thin mint protein fudge


Thin Mint Protein Fudge



For Fudge

  • 2 scoops vanilla or chocolate protein powder of choice (I used Sun Warrior and each scoop is 21g)
  • 1 scoop coconut flour (ground oat flour would work well, too)
  • 2 tbsp nut butter of choice (I used sunflower seed butter)
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • 1 tsp xlyitol or sweetener of choice to taste
  • 12 tbsp cocoa powder (I used 1, so these were just a touch of chocolate)
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/21 tsp peppermint extract
  • pinch of sea salt
  • 1 tbsp of maple syrup or a little more to help the mixture come together. This is going to be dependent on how creamy your nut butter is.

For Frosting

  • 2 tbsp chocolate chips
  • 1 tbsp almond milk


  1. Combine all fudge ingredients in a large bowl.
  2. Press the mixture into a small storage container and place in the fridge to harden for 15 minutes or so.
  3. Make your frosting by melting 2 tablespoons chocolate chips and 1 tablespoon almond milk in a glass bowl. (You can use a double boiler if you’re fancy like that, but I used the microwave for 20 seconds.)
  4. Top the fudge with the frosting and place back in the fridge to harden.
  5. Cut into squares and enjoy!


peppermint extract


chocolate chips and almond milk


Fudge in a container

Fudge after hardening

For nutrition stats, click here.

Hope you love these! Let me know if you give them a try or create any new flavors! ? What protein-packed snack are you enjoying right now?

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