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Pumpkin Protein Fudge

Good morning! How’s your morning going? I have just the perfect pumpkin fall recipe to make your day even better–pumpkin protein fudge! ? My day is off to a good start with a 40 minute tempo Oreo (10 minutes easy, 20 minutes fast, 10 minutes easy– the good stuff’s in the middle) and coffee.

Hot morning coffee

Always coffee.

So there’s this thing going on with my phone. I’m officially out of photos and space to do anything. Buuuut I found a way around that: I take the picture with Instagram. Even if I don’t post said photo, it still shows up in my camera roll.

I’m pushing 3,000 photos and a lot of music.. I wonder how much longer until it explodes.

It’s probably about the time to back everything up, delete and start over, but I like having Livi’s entire life on my phone. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be able to look back at old photos… like this one ?

baby Livi snuggling with dad

I snapped a couple of Instagrammed-but-not-Instagrammed pics at Kyle and Meg’s last night. We brought some dinner over, as well as Bella, for her first puppy play date with her fur cousin Luna.

Livi and Luna the dog

Bella was so sweet and gentle, even though Luna wanted to play and chase. By the end of the night, they were sprinting around the living room together. ? We’ll have to see how Caro does, even though she’s kind of a cat-dog and doesn’t care who’s around or what they’re doing, as long as she has her comfy spot on the couch.

Caro lounging around

Protein Pumpkin Fudge

I didn’t prep a ton of snacks and goodies for this week- slim pickins at the grocery store- so I’ll have to do that at some point today. What we do have on hand: pumpkin protein fudge. 

Pumpkin Protein Fudge is a delicious fall treat

It had to happen.

Closeup of a bite of pumpkin protein fudge  


Pumpkin Protein Fudge

A delicious pumpkin treat for fall that packs in protein power

  • Author: Fitnessista



  • 1 pack protein powder (33g)
  • 4 tbsp dry ingredients (either almond meal, coconut, oat flour or a mix)
  • 2 tbsp nut butter (I used Sunbutter)
  • 2 tbsp pumpkin puree
  • Liquid Stevia or other sweetener to taste (I used 12 drops liquid Stevia)
  • 1/4 tsp cinnamon, pinch of nutmeg or dried ginger
  • Chocolate drizzle for garnish ?


  1. Mix all ingredients together.
  2. Press the mix into a container (you can make one big one or individual servings like I did here).
  3. Place in the fridge to harden slightly and take a piece whenever you want a little treat with protein power.


pumpkin protein fudge 2

Pumpkin is a fun component to add to the usual meal suspects this time of year; not just because of the seasonal novelty, but it also adds a dose of nutrients and filling fiber. I figured it would be a holiday twist for one of my favorite snacks, and let’s be real… I’m pumpkin-ifying everrrrything. No shame.

Some more of my favorite orange recipes:

–Pumpkin amazeballs

–Cook and use an entire pumpkin

-The amazing winter vegetable soup

–Pumpkin chocolate chip bread

–Pumpkin cheesecake for one

Hope you all have an amazing day <3

If you’re looking for a moment of stillness in your day, check out this beautiful ballet time lapse video. My favorite part is the slow sequence around 1:12.

Congratulations to the winners of Ashley’s cookbook giveaway and the Reebok Nano Speed giveaway: Gina and Liz!!  Both winners have been emailed ?

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